October 14, 2011

Photo Mask Freebie

Photo Masks can be used for so many things, layouts, holiday cards, calendars, you name it! Photo Masks are .png files, with a transparent background.

Here is how ya do it ---->

1.  Open a mask in any Photoshop program.
Drag the image you want to clip ontop on the layer above the mask layer. You can drag it, or even copy and paste inside of photoshop.

2.  Clip It! 
With photoshop, there are many ways to create one effect.
One standard way to clip an image is by first, highlighting the top layer, the go up to Layer > create clipping mask. done.
I would recommend learning some hot keys to help you navigate through photoshop with ease. Before you know it, your fingers are doing all the talking!

3.  Merge the layers. Don't flatten, we want to keep the background transparent.

Done! Drag (or copy & paste) the clipped mask onto papers, cards, calendars, love notes...

Grab this set of Free Photo Masks HERE.... and most important, have fun!